Conestoga College Signs National Indigenous Education Protocol

Citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) celebrated with Conestoga College on Oct. 31, when the school signed the national Indigenous Education Protocol.
More than 40 people attended the signing from Conestoga College and surrounding areas, including MNO Vice-Chair Sharon Cadeau and MNO Grand River Métis Council President Jennifer Parkinson.
The national protocol has been signed by 60 colleges and institutions across Canada, after it was developed and approved by Colleges and Institutes Canada in September 2014. Its goal is to improve education for Métis, First Nations and Inuit people and build relationships with Indigenous communities.
“This is a special day for Conestoga as we come together for the signing of the Indigenous protocol. This will serve as an affirmation of the college’s continued commitment to Indigenous education and provide the framework for ongoing efforts to better serve the needs of Indigenous peoples,” said Conestoga College President John Tibbits during his remarks.
"The protocol was developed by Colleges and Institutes Canada following consultations with partners and stakeholders in the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities. It includes seven guiding principles to address Indigenous peoples learning needs and support self-determination and socio-economic development of Indigenous communities,” he added.